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Fairfield Hills Authority 11/21/06
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday November 21, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called
the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, Amy Dent, Donald Studley, Walter Motyka, Michael Holmes, State Rep. Julia Wasseman. Absent were John Reed and Moira Rodgers.

ALSO PRESENT: Fred Hurley (Public Works), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) Robert Barclay (North American Realty), Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commision), Jeff Cugno (O&G), Lorel Purcell (O&G), 2 members of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None noted at this time

Communication: Mrs. Ruby Johnson contacted Mr.Geckle and asked if the slide show presentation done by North American Realty and the draft plans for the 90 ft. ball field and walking trails presented by Vollmer Associates at the Oct. 13th 2006 meeting be put in a written form for the public to view. Draft documents have been placed in public records on Oct. 26th, 2006

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Mr. Studley nominated Robert Geckle as Chairman and Andrew Willie as Vice Chairman for the up coming term 2006-2007. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Geckle introduced to the Authority a new member Mr. Michael Holmes who replaces Mr. Lavery. Mr. Holmes spoke of himself, life long Newtown resident. Engineer for town of Wallingford, Asst. general manager and chief of operations.

ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Amy Dent the minutes of 9/19/06 were unanimously accepted as present.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. Numbers were discussed. Mr. Studley reported that project is on target with the budget. Fleet remediation is complete but retainer needs to be paid. Mr. Hurley stated that is approximately $30,000-$40,000.
Ms. DeMarco mentioned the lead paint testing estimates are to be submitted by next meeting by Robert Bartley.  

OPERATING: Fred Hurley presented a map of the proposed utilities infrastructure which was prepared by Fuss & O’Neil. A preliminary meeting was held with CL&P, AT&T, O&G and Fuss and O’Neil, Mr. Hurley and Ms. DeMarco to discuss needs and concerns.
Ms. DeMarco stated that while Halloween was secure the two following weekends resulted in a total of 21 arrests. Ms. DeMarco provided the Newtown Rotary with an estimate of $60,000 for the “Flag Pole Beautification Project”.

PLANNING: Ms. DeMarco presented to the authority that the State Military Police have requested use of the campus for training purposes. Mr. Geckle expressed his concern with this use of town assets. Mr. Holmes expressed concern about liability. Amy Dent motioned to vote contingent on them attending the next meeting with proper paper work and explain in detail their needs. A vote was taken and split (not passed).
Mr. Geckle suggested that they may still come to the next meeting for additional consideration.
Jeff Cugno from O&G stated that the first proposal for the New Town Hall will be presented at the special meeting at the Reed School on Nov. 28th 2006. Mr. Cugno also stated that he needs the Authority to accept the proposal from Oct 13, 2006 so they can put it out to bid. Amy Dent motioned to recommend that the First Selectman proceed with the proposal of Oct.13, 2006 for mothballing of buildings so they can get bids. Motion seconded and unanimously accepted. O&G has met with Parks and Recreation about new specifications on playing fields. Ed Marks (parks and rec. commission) stated that they have discussed the proposal and in general it looks good. O&G also submitted to the Authority a draft of the playing fields and walking trails. (Attached to original minutes)

Mr. Bartley (North American Realty) presented a rough draft of the proposal for Fairfield Hills. (Attached)
Mr. Motyka mentioned that the storage house near the power plant may be available. Mr. Motyka feels that the Authority should consider this building for a Senior Center and or Park & Recreation use.

Mr. Geckle made a motion to adjourn, seconded and passed. Meeting over at 9:23

Colleen                         Robert Geckle Chairman